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→ Other (692)

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Golden retriever puppies.

Golden Retriever Puppies. We are experienced, licensed and highly rated breeders. Our home and premises have been inspected by our local council and appointed vet. We have OFQUAL qualifications in dog care, behaviour and welfare. We breed dogs that are health and temperament focused. All our pedigree parents are Kennel Club registered and have been awarded BVA hip and elbow scores. They have also been genetically tested with Laboklin.

Scottish Longhair Cat

For sale Scottish cat, Highland Straight, very beautiful, 4 months. Vaccinations, documents, pedigree available. 845 828 0501

Scottish Chinchillas

Sweet cuties are waiting for kind hands and hearts

Very cute and gentle kitten, Ginger Tabby, boy

Very sweet and gentle kitten, Ginger Tabby, almost two months old, male, litter box and scratching board trained, loves homemade food, purrs and loves to sit on hands, loves to be around people, indoor parents, does not shed. Call 929-702-3710

Scottish Fold boy for sale ❤️

Very smart, calm companion. 5 months old, all vaccinations are available, neutered.


Selling British kittens. (646) 659-3965


Scottish cat looking for a bride. (347) 997-2759


Staten Island, cats for adoption. (929) 339-6330


Animal care work. (347) 554-4291


Belgian Shepherd puppies for sale. (347) 774-5477


I will give a Pekingese to good hands, 14 years old. (646) 361-7224

Scottish Longhair

Very beautiful Scottish longhair cats for sale. 4 months. All vaccinations, documents, pedigree available. Parents are titled.


Selling Scottish kittens. (646) 318-8557


Selling Siamese kittens. (917) 699-3789


Ragdoll kittens for sale, vaccinations, documents. (347) 602-1146


Ragdoll cat looking for a bride. (347) 254-4375


Ragdoll kittens for sale, documents, vaccinations. (347) 254-4375

The cat is looking for a bride

Main Coone cat with breeding rights is looking for a bride.

dog training

obedience, protection, security. Brooklyn.

Yorkiepoo puppies

Puppies for sale! Charming Yorkipoo puppies for sale. Age 2 months. Healthy, active, vaccinated according to age. Energetic, friendly, smart. Get along well with children and other animals. Yorkipoo is an ideal pet for families, single people and seniors who need a loyal and cheerful dog. Call: 9173759675 Additional photos and videos on request. Hurry to reserve your puppy!
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