Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs old age at your feet!
Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs
old age is at your feet!
Sometimes we see how old age shows its first signs, affecting the vessels of the lower extremities. Pain in the legs, weakness, cramps begin to torment us, and we stop walking, realizing that we are getting old. But how we still want to be young, to help ourselves and our children!
How to find a doctor who will really help?
Many people trust their doctor, visit a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist for years. However, the disease remains with you. Of course, it is important to have a good relationship with the doctor, to believe in his competence. Thanks to him, you live, because there are incurable diseases - autoimmune diseases, arthritis, cancer.
But how nice it is to know that there is a doctor who can really help when weakness in the legs prevents you from walking, cramps torment you, and you are convinced: "It's age." Don't you want to walk easily with a confident gait again, especially in front of a girl, travel, enjoy life?
Is it possible to stop age-related changes in the legs? It turns out, yes! Our longevity is directly related to the condition of the leg vessels. There is a procedure,
which is capable of slowing down aging, especially in obliterating diseases of the lower extremities, arteries and veins, which in severe cases can even lead to amputation.
World-class doctor Vadim Kolesnikov heads the vascular center, where veins, arteries and even knees are treated, at the famous American diagnostic center Sinai Diagnostic. Leading American world-class specialists, heads of vascular departments of US hospitals work here.
At Sinai Diagnostic, they can perform an outpatient procedure in just an hour without general anesthesia - and your leg pain will disappear. Yes, yes! You will be able to travel, dance, run on dates and
help children raise grandchildren.
Make an appointment at Sinai Diagnostic —
here they will make an accurate diagnosis and help you get back
the joy of life, will give the joy of movement!
Phone: 718-866-3022