Staten Island, decent woman, cook deliciously, have experience, documents, work to meet a child from school, look after until parents arrive. (718) 687-7575
I am looking for a job caring for elderly patients with Alzheimer's Parkinson's dementia at any time convenient for you, day or night. I have a medical education and am conscientious 3479624745
I am looking for a job with or without accommodation.
Responsible with extensive experience in the USA, looking for any work for cash. Preferably in Brooklyn. I have recommendations. I will thank you for mediation. Thank you for your help and participation. Tel. 347 671 99 34 Lyudmila.
Female, 42 years old. Medical education. Looking for a job caring for children, as a nurse. I have all the official documents and a NNA certificate. t332-283-7153