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Recommendations, experience, care work. (347) 777-8766

Date Added: 07/02/2024 | Last Updated: 07/02/2024 | Page Views: 6
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Nanny is looking for a family

An experienced nanny is looking for a family that needs help raising children (from 2 years old). Work experience in the USA - 1 year, work experience in Russia - 15 years. There are recommendations. Two higher educations (economics, psychology + more than 100 hours of personal therapy). Excellent Russian, basic English. Strict adherence to agreements and daily schedule, safety, and development of intelligence (including emotional) in a playful way are guaranteed. Help with housework/cooking/maintaining order - negotiable. Initial interview via video link. Manhattan, Long Island City, Queens. The preferred method of communication is SMS. Thanks for your attention =)


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