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Female, 55 years old, experience, recommendations, work caring for an elderly woman, for cash, without accommodation. (917) 657-2232

Date Added: 09/18/2024 | Last Updated: 09/18/2024 | Page Views: 5
Average rating: 0.00 (out of 5)
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• Woman from 40 to 55 years old
• Accommodation
• For six days a week
• Experienced in working with children
Details by phone
(917) 596-0159 Tatyana



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Live-in nanny needed in Livingston, New Jersey

Starting July 25th, live-in nanny needed in Livingston, New Jersey
40-60 years old to help parents working from home to care for a 2-year-old and 2-month-old child.
Good Russian is a must, basic English is a big plus. Private room with bath, 6 days, $150 per day.
Please do not call, but leave a message with your information.
tel: 973-886-1255
[email protected]