Need a girl/woman to clean an apartment and help with housework, with work experience. Work for a check, in Upper Manhattan, near the subway. 917-662-7850
Looking for a cleaning lady to clean my place 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. Pay cash. Need to hire someone as soon as possible. Call or text @347-283-5942.
New Jersey, Long Hill. We are looking for a live-in housekeeper for a 3-year-old girl. $750 per week, there is a separate room and bathroom. Duties: helping around the house, cleaning, washing, cooking, child care, teaching Russian. No bad habits: smoking, drinking. Requirements: kind, non-conflict character, and hard work. Please write to WhatsApp +1-212-203-1901 with the following answers: 1. What is your name? 2. Are you already 18 years old? 3. Where do you live now? 4. What work experience do you have? 5. What Russian dishes can you cook?