We are looking for remote employees to work on the Internet. We will train and guarantee employment! From $ 5,000 to $ 15,000 per month. Requirements: Men, women, married couples, students. Age from 16 to 65 years. Responsibility and desire to work and earn. Internet access from any device. Readiness for free training to fit our team. Readiness for active communication with our team. Conditions: Interesting and stable work. Flexible work schedule. Can be combined with another job. You will be able to earn your first money already during training. We will be happy to answer all your questions and start cooperation. If you want to start working on the Internet and earn good money, write to us in telegram: @work8job Or by email: [email protected]
Internet network installation and maintenance technician required (no experience required)
Urgent! VIRTALINK is recruiting for the position of Internet network installation and maintenance technician. No experience? No problem – we will provide you with all the necessary skills through free training and certification. Your income will be from $2100 to $3500 weekly. We work on a flexible schedule: 5/2 or 6/1, from 08:00 to 18:00. __What is required: - SSN and driver's license (DL). - Knowledge of English (6 out of 10). We need you! ___Write to: WhatsApp +79964043000. ___Send Name, mobile number to: [email protected]. ___Employment Locations: NY, Buffalo/Rochester / NY, Long Island / NY, Brooklyn/Queens / OH, Toledo/Sandusky / OH, Columbus/Cincinatti / MO, St. Louis / NC, Charlotte / Greensbo
I will prepare for obtaining a license for ultrasound of the heart
A CARDIOLOGIST, during an INDIVIDUAL course (analogous to a university one) via Skype, will prepare you for obtaining the prestigious American license in ultrasound diagnostics of the heart (ARDMS), for the right to work as an ECHO cardiographer. High demand in all states. High salary. Relevant for those who have diplomas of ANY HIGHER education or m/sisters received both in the North. America and abroad. I guarantee the result, because I have been teaching since 2001 and have brought hundreds of people into the workplace. Website of the licensing organization: ARDMS.ORG Dr. Alexander 1(647) 657 3246 (aka WhatsApp)