Install or repair a water heater. Change faucet and sink ,change drain pipes, fixed appliances, change toilet .More than 10 years of experience in the USA (347)8613819 Vasyl
If you need help from an Electrician, then I am at your service. You can write a message to the phone and we will discuss all the details of your project! I am a professional with extensive experience in the electrical field, including computers. Ready to solve any of your problems with electricity in your apartment, house or office. I can advise on the choice of electrical appliances, quality, cost and safety. Please start with SMS, since I can work, I will definitely contact you within an hour. Services: Installation of car chargers. GFI and GFCI outlets Ceiling Fans, Light Fixture Dimmer 3/4 way Switch Motion sensor Light Switches We will analyze how you can reduce energy consumption in your home. Location Brooklyn.