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Total found (292)
→ Antiques & paintings (292)

Furniture & interior (845)
Rugs & dishes (489)
Jewelry (122)
Health & beauty (68)
Sport, hunting, fishing (320)
Books, textbooks, dictionaries (320)
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Garage sales & flea markets (46)
Sales & Auctions (112)
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Your home, business: buy/sellAntiques & paintings

Selling coins

Polish coins in denominations of 5 and 10 zlotys. Silver

Coins of Tsarist Russia

Buy / sell coins of Tsarist Russia

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling paintings. (917) 939-9996

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling an icon. (917) 370-7443

Antiques, paintings, collections

I will buy figurines of football players. (908) 420-0597

Antiques, paintings, collections

I will buy antiques. (347) 444-2188

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling coins. (347) 482-5806

Antiques, paintings, collections

I'll buy coins. (347) 482-5806

Coins of Tsarist Russia

I will buy / sell coins of Tsarist Russia.

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling a gold and silver coin of tennis player Roger Federer, gift option in a box and capsule. (347) 514-0900

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling a collection of sports badges from the 60-70s. (929) 633-8925

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling an antique glass table, an artist's table for still lifes, a portable table for trade or for the garden. (718) 946-1705

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling an icon. (917) 300-7443

Antiques, paintings, collections

I'll buy coins. (347) 482-5806

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling a silver badge Master of Sports of the USSR, excellent condition. (347) 514-0900

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling American silver coins. (347) 761-2549

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling coins. (347) 482-5806

Antiques, paintings, collections

Selling postage stamps from different countries, excellent condition. (347) 514-0900

Antiques, paintings, collections

Buy old photographs, postcards, paintings. (917) 698-6872

Antiques, paintings, collections

Buy American silver coins. (347) 761-2549
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