ISRAEL FAIR The Aliyah Promotion Department invites you tothe Israel Fair Free treats, GIFTS, concert program and discussion with high-ranking guests from Israel. The main prize for the quiz winner is a TICKET TO ISRAEL Sunday, December 8, 2024 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM Kings Bay Y 3495 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, 11229, 2nd Floor
Date Added: 12/03/2024 |
Last Updated: 12/03/2024 |
Page Views: 50
Is Medicare Too Expensive? There Are Ways to Save!
Is Medicare Too Expensive? There Are Ways to Save! The Medicare Savings Program helps people with limited incomes pay for Medicare and sometimes save up to $7,000 a year. To find out if you qualify, call Aging Connect 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) and ask for information about the Health Insurance, Counseling, and Assistance Program (HIICAP).
Good day to all! I suffered greatly from the lack of a person close to me, each time the relationship ended the same way ... Quarrel. Tears. Breakup ... And then I met my man, fell in love with him at first sight. We dated for half a year, my head was spinning with happiness, there was not a minute that I did not think about him. When I found out that I was pregnant and ran to him at work to tell him - he told me that we should break up ... Without explaining anything to me and left. How many tearful nights I spent and did not know what to do, and he still did not show up. A month later, a friend came to me, I told her my situation. She immediately told me to call Mila and she would help me. I dialed her. After talking to her, it somehow became easier and the understanding that everything will be fine. Without seeing a person, you can tell everything about him. Mila removed my celibacy crown, performed a ritual to strengthen the relationship and literally a few days later my beloved called, and then even came to live with me with his things! And when I found out that he was going to be a father, I was very happy. She really helps people and has incredible abilities! Her phone number is +380936532445 Whats app
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I contacted Varechka. During the consultation, I was amazed by the incredible accuracy in diagnosing the situation. This inspires confidence from the first minutes of the meeting, although the master is immediately visible. Many thanks to Varechka for the structured, clear, truthful information and predictions. Special thanks for the advice in the framework of forecasts of life moments, this is very important. I contacted her so that she could help me get my soulmate back, and I was really lucky that I found a real fortune teller. She returned my beloved in a week. I sincerely recommend fortune teller Varechka to everyone who wants to understand themselves, get their beloved back, get on the path and know the future, as well as to those who need real help in understanding what is happening in life, she works very carefully and really helps, she accepts remotely via Viber and WhatsApp, her number is +380632574828
We are not afraid! Despite the bitter cold, hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Borough Park after work and school to protest after Hamas supporters came and staged a rally in the center of the Jewish neighborhood, waving Palestinian flags and shouting aggressive slogans. Marina Lagunova