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NJAC 16:83 - Rules of Conduct and Enforcement
public safety when using
NJ TRANSIT equipment and vehicles
Please be advised that the New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT) is proposing to reauthorize, with amendments, New Jersey Administrative Code Section NJAC 16:83, Code of Conduct and Public Safety in the Use of NJ TRANSIT Equipment and Vehicles. The rules proposed for reauthorization, as amended, are intended to ensure the safe and efficient passage of large numbers of people through the transportation system, while allowing passengers to use the system as a forum in which they can exercise their constitutional right to expression and dissemination of information. These rules, proposed for reauthorization with amendments, would include existing conduct and safety rules, as well as NJ TRANSIT's recently adopted rules to temporarily suspend public transportation privileges for passengers who commit certain offenses. The reauthorized amended rules make minor changes to existing rules, for example, to reflect changes in job titles and update the Corporation's contact information for individuals applying for a certificate of incorporation and banner permit.
Subsection 1 provides general provisions, including purpose, scope, definitions, rules for dissemination of information for commercial and non-commercial purposes, and enforcement provisions. Subsection 2 provides criteria for obtaining a certificate of registration and permission to display a banner on a bridge for non-commercial purposes. Subsection 3 lists activities that are prohibited when using NJ TRANSIT equipment and vehicles.

Copies of the proposal to reauthorize these rules, as amended.
can be obtained by sending a written request to the following address:

Compliance Department
New Jersey Transit Corporation
One Penn Plaza East, 8th Floor
Newark, NJ 07105
Email address email: [email protected]

Full text of the rules proposed for reapproval from
amendments can be found in the section of the State Administrative Code
New Jersey NJAC 16:83, and they were also published in the New
Jersey Register November 6, 2023 Also text of proposed rules
available on the NJ TRANSIT website. Comments on the rules,
proposed for re-approval should be sent to
in writing to the above address before January 5, 2024.
Kevin Corbett
President and CEO
New Jersey Transit Corporation

Date Added: 12/01/2023 | Last Updated: 12/23/2023 | Page Views: 45
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