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Live in nanny/housekeeper

Looking for a live in nanny / housekeeper to help with daily tasks. Age- between 35 to 47 years old / good health and energetic 6 days a week No allergies to animals Located in Staten Island

Date Added: 06/05/2024 | Last Updated: 06/05/2024 | Page Views: 19
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I have been in the USA for a long time, kind, humorous, cook, live-in care worker. (929) 561-1629

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Home care services

-MEDICAID AND MEDICARE -HOME CARE SERVICES -DAY CARE FOR ADULET -MEDICAL SUPPLY If you are interesting, please call for all information.

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We offer you remote work in your free time. Flexible work schedule from anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter if you have experience or not, we will teach you everything you need. We are looking for active and sociable people with basic computer knowledge. Work schedule: 2-3 hours a day. Payment 4 times a month. You can earn $5,000-$15,000 a month, or even more! For any questions, please contact the email address: [email protected]