Good afternoon, my name is Elena, 26 years old. I offer my services in New York City - Administrator - Nail service master - Targeted advertising Facebook Instagram - Barista - Any other sources of pleasant income
41 years old, from Belarus, journalism/marketing/PR/SMM, literate Russian, Intermediate English. Extensive experience in the above areas. Organized planning and execution of tasks. Effective communication with clients. Technical literacy and ability to work with office programs.
A 35-year-old girl is looking for a job. She has all the documents. She is a financier by education. In Ukraine, she worked as an accountant. In America, she has experience working as a secretary and also as an assistant accountant. Basic knowledge of English, I can communicate on simple topics. Tel: 929 899 6527
Front desk receptionist for medical office in sheepshead bay
Looking for a full time front desk receptionist to work in a medical office in Sheepshead bay Brooklyn. Must be able to speak English, Russian and or Ukrainian. Prior knowledge is a plus but willing to train the right candidate. Please note this position requires receptionist to work at least one weekend a week.