Looking for a woman with documents to care for Brooklyn
Brooklyn (zip code 11229) for 4 days with accommodation for a woman to an elderly woman. Work (not for CASH!!!) will be through the office. $20 per hour. Call +12015520881
Date Added: 09/12/2024 |
Last Updated: 09/12/2024 |
Page Views: 38
Manhattan (Central Park), nanny needed without accommodation for a 7 month old child, Monday through Friday, 40 hours a week, $20 per hour. Experience in America and recommendations with babies are needed. Call +12015520881
Urgently looking for a nanny 45-63 years old in Texas with accommodation for 6 days - 1000 dollars, if there is experience and recommendations from the family. If not - 800-900 dollars. Ticket from another state is paid. Call +12015520881