Looking for Part-time job / Looking for a part-time job
Looking for a part-time job on the evenings 3 times a week after 6pm + weekends all day. I'm looking for an evening job 3 times a week after 6 and all day on weekends.
Date Added: 06/19/2024 |
Last Updated: 06/19/2024 |
Page Views: 62
Looking for a job: A videographer with good video equipment is looking for a job.
Available: 2 video cameras Sony AX100, Sony AX53, AX33, 2-Sony A6300 with powerful ice. lighting, tripods and lavas. microphones / buttonholes. Contact only on [email protected] or a text describing the event.
I am a cook and i have experience 7 years I have work authorization and SSN I search work in NY(Staten Island, Brooklin,Manhattan) I know italian cuisine( Pizza, pasta, burger, salads and others) Phone number: 3473552732
Guy, 23 years old, looking for a full/part time job
My name is Mikhail, I am a student (Computer Science major), I know 4 languages (Russian, English, Georgian, Armenian), legal status. I have experience in accounting and sales. Responsible, attentive to details, non-conflict and sociable 9296285270