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Хлопців, я читав на цьому сайті купу відгуків про цю милу жінку і вирішив до неї звернутись. Я і не сумнівався в її здібностях після того, як вирішив перевірити її і замовив ворожіння на себе, але я звертався до неї за іншим щоб вона повернула мені мою кохану, яка не хотіла мене навіть слухати. Я довірив свою проблему повністю їй, і я залишився задоволений результатом. Вона й справді зателефонувала мені через три дні після того, як я замовив обряд. Хтось мене засудить, а хтось зрозуміє, але самотужки я не зміг її повернути, бо під час стосунків я дуже сильно її ображав і не розумів. Але зараз я зробив їй пропозицію і ми щасливі. Ще допомогла з роботи. Ось її контакти +380632574828 вайбер/ватсап

Date Added: 10/21/2023 | Last Updated: 10/21/2023 | Page Views: 42
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ЛИЛИЧКА!!!!ВЫ МАЙСТЕР СВОЇ СПРАВИ ... Я напишу тут за вас, нехай знають і звертаються до вас. ПРОЖИЛИ В ШЛЮБІ 12 років, двоє дітей. НІКОЛИ МЕНІ НЕ ЗМІНЮВАВ І У НАС ЗАВЖДИ БУЛА ГАРМОНІЯ. Звідки взялася, не знаю ця «пигалиця» (інше слово не можу підібрати до неї), навела на нього приворот. Я НЕ ЗНАЛА ЩО РОБИТИ, але відчувала що чоловіка як підмінили. Звернулася до Ліли. (скільки всього вона говорила, я завжди це пам'ятатиму), але найголовніше вона ПОВЕРНУЛА МЕНІ МОЄ ЖИТТЯ.. Я залишу вам її ватсап або вайбер.

Real help. Return of loved ones. Removal of negativity.

My husband and I have been married for five years, everything was fine, and suddenly scandals and quarrels began in the family, and coldness appeared in the relationship. The husband went to live with his parents. I was desperate. And they advised me to contact Milena. I did just that because it was my last hope. Milena told me down to the day who and how influenced my husband in order to take him away from the family. I refused to believe it, the shock was too great. After returning home, I double-checked everything myself and was convinced that Milena was right! A couple of days later I called her again to fix everything. She reassured me and said I needed to wait a little. Milena removed this effect. On the 7th day, my husband called me and said that I needed to talk seriously. After the conversation, he returned home, and I was the happiest. Our relationship is now better than it was before. I am very grateful to Milena. Now everything is fine with us, but for anyone who is in a difficult situation, I recommend contacting only Melena, she will definitely help you, I know that for sure! Her phone number is +80936532445 Whats app/Viber


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My boyfriend has lately felt a coldness in his relationship with me. He began to devote less time to me, he disappeared somewhere all the time. Although before that we had a very warm relationship. After a while, my friends told me that he had someone else. I tried to talk to him, but it all ended in quarrels. He told me that I was imagining things and he has no one). I love him very much and found the magician Mikhail on the Internet, turned to him for help. Mikhail is a very friendly person and even from communicating with him it gets easier. You immediately understand that he has a gift when he talks about the past and present, even says names. The result, in what time frame he indicated, happened. Now half a year has passed, thanks to Mikhail’s work - my loved one has become the same as he was, our relationship is filled with warmth and everything is going well. I recommend Mikhail! His phone number. +380933782050 Viber / WhatsApp