Raju to all Oleksandra is a strong fakhivets. When you cast a spell and perform diagnostics, you make such speeches that your spirit will choke. If she was so crazy about the witches, she wanted to bewitch the boy and was looking for someone who could earn it. Ale Oleksandr cheered me up, because there was no need for my breakdown. A different approach may be required. In essence, they worked with me on the energy level. At the back of my mind, my friend came to me, to talk about his feelings, it turns out that he also loved me, but to say about the affair. So I gave up the wonderfully loose diet that did not give me peace, and I found happiness with the people I love so much. Thank you very much Oleksandr! I’ll be excited in the future. Oleksandr's number +380971792179 i Viber, i WhatsApp i