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Nannies needed

We are looking for a nanny for a 1 year old child in NJ with 6 days' accommodation $800\woman 40-60 years old, good Russian, experience!Department, room/ We are looking for a nanny for a 3 year old child Long Island (30 min from Manhattan) with 6 days accommodation $850\woman from 25-40 years old, spoken English .Separate room! \We are looking for a nanny for children 13 years old and 15 years old in Manhattan with accommodation for 5 days $1000 (by check)\woman 30-50 years old, good English, work permit, cook. Separate room\ \Looking for a nanny for a child 1 year old Jersey City 6 days $900 with accommodation\woman 45- 60 years old, pure Russian speech, cooking, experience! Separate room! 347-636-7958

Date Added: 05/16/2024 | Last Updated: 05/16/2024 | Page Views: 19
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