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Need a physically strong woman to care for

Maryland, Baltimore A physically strong woman is needed to care for an elderly non-ambulatory grandmother, 84 years old, who speaks only FORSI. Live-in work, 6-7 days a week. We discuss payment individually. You must speak FORSI. For any questions, please contact: +1(347) 729 3058

Date Added: 05/23/2024 | Last Updated: 05/23/2024 | Page Views: 19
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A babysitter is needed for a 5 year old boy.

Brooklyn, Ocean Pkw and corner W Babysitter needed for 5 year old boy. Work 5 days a week from 5 pm to 11 pm, paid in cash. Please contact women who have a pedagogical or medical education. For any questions, please contact +1(929) 346 1124