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JobsLooking for a jobOther


Brooklyn, job, woman from Ukraine, 58 years old. (347) 933-9660

I'm looking for a job. 27 responsible.

I've been looking for a job for 27 years. Extensive experience working with horses and people. Waiter - assistant waiter. Physically hardy, moving assistant; tax; dig . Quick learner, originally from Lithuania. Any job.

looking for a job

I am looking for a job in the field of Handyman (helper), Moving (Foreman/Driver has 5 years of experience and driving 26 fit trucks, languages Uzbek, Russian, English, Taj, never violated a clean license). I also have an OSHA card for construction work, and I also have experience! I'll consider the options!

Go-Go dancing. Earnings from $15,000 to $30,000 per month

We are looking for girls from 21 to 35 years old. Average salary is $15,000 to $30,000 per month. If you are a pretty girl and are ready to open the doors to a better life, write to me in direct message. Phone number 929-488-5195

I'm looking for any job I'm 17 years old I'll be 18 on the first of August

I'm looking for any job I'm 17 years old I'll be 18 on the first of August

Domestic helper for an hour / handyman

Hang shelves on the wall, fix the TV on the wall, change the lock, replace sockets or light switches, assemble/disassemble furniture, repaint the walls and ceiling, help in solving household problems, etc. I will always be happy to help you. I will arrive on time from my work and ask for a very reasonable payment. Ready to arrive in the evening. I live in 11234 BROOKLYN. Call or send a message to the number 6468996610. Dmytro

chef with good experience

I will cook at my place or at yours for all the rumors of life, all Georgian cuisine and also international dishes.

I'm looking for a part-time job in moving!

I'm looking for a part-time job in moving 25 tapes, I'm physically fit, I can think straight! +1 347-486-1023
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