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Philadelphia needs a house helper

Philadelphia requires a nanny-assistant, with accommodation for 6 days, pure Russian if there are recommendations from a family in America - 150 dollars per day. Pedagogical or medical education is welcome +12015520881

Date Added: 06/26/2024 | Last Updated: 06/26/2024 | Page Views: 10
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I have been in the USA for a long time, kind, humorous, cook, live-in care worker. (929) 561-1629

Part-time work for retirees

We match mature adults and seniors who need a job to continue living independently. We are looking for the best in-home caregivers in the New York area. Job openings in all 5 counties for men and women. No certificates required. We offer a flexible schedule. Whether you want to work 4 hours a week or 40, we are here to support you by giving you the opportunity to help seniors while earning an income while maintaining your lifestyle and habits. From socializing, shopping, preparing meals, caring for pets, doing minor housekeeping, or transporting a client, there are many ways you can help. We will carefully match you with clients who have something in common with you, such as a former profession, hobby or upbringing, to maximize social activity.

Шукаю роботу.

Роботу з догляду. Відповідальна. .Легально.Медична освіта.Російська ,англійська .Великий досвід .2-5 днів .У госпіталі.У будинку . Без шкідливих звичок. Бажано Манхеттен. Кеш .2125642564.

Only for professionals

Let's study the profile of a family nanny - an applicant for a position with accommodation and initial standards - fluent English, a legal right to work, a driver's license and a clean driving record, as well as 2 years of experience as a nanny in a family with verified recommendations. Please call after submitting your resume with photo.

Russian-speaking nanny for cash with a room

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