Hello Setting up advertising on Facebook Instagram A month of work Creating creatives Setting up advertising And daily analysis Perhaps you are making mistakes I can help solve them
looking for a part-time IT, network administration job. associate in information technology, bachelor in technology CompTIA A+, and other certificates. 2 years in professional and business environment, over 9 years freelancer or IT consultant experience.
Ukrainian 47 years old. Looking for temporary or permanent work!
Ukrainian 47 years old. Looking for full-time or part-time work. Basic English B1. Specialist in the field of meteorite assessment, certification, collecting, and introductory lectures. Looking for work subject photography, post-processing of photos, description, listings, tags, semantic core of running an Etsy, Ebay store. I have 8 years of experience in introducing a business on marketplace online customer support. I will consider your proposals, do not hesitate to ask!