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Actors and actresses

Call for a casting interview

Date Added: 06/15/2024 | Last Updated: 06/15/2024 | Page Views: 6
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Student at an American literary university, working as an assistant to a writer. (917) 968-8937

E-PR Online, special invitation to a free session on PR strategy.

E-PR Online, special invitation to a free session on PR strategy. During this session, an experienced E-PR Specialist will work with you to determine the most effective PR strategy for your brand, focusing on increasing awareness, increasing sales, and increasing customer trust. With just 10-15 minutes of your time, we can discuss the best media for your brand, ensuring your articles have a lasting impact, regardless of location or language. Learn how to effectively write an article (or series of articles) about you/your business and place it in the following media: Forbes, L'Officiel, Elle, Vogue, TechCrunch, Cosmopolitan, Fox, GQ, NBC, Entrepreneur, Huff Post, etc. Currently we have 17,000 media in 100 countries. PR is the most effective way to strengthen customer trust and stand out from competitors. You pay once, and the publications work for you for many years. Articles will reach the TOP of Google, will help you attract customers, and also strengthen their trust! If I only had $2, I would spend one of them on PR” (c) Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

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