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US citizen, has experience, caring job, cash. (347) 481-6868

Date Added: 06/12/2024 | Last Updated: 06/12/2024 | Page Views: 13
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Supplemental job ($200/week cash)

Searching for a 20-55 year old woman who can prepare and take a 5 year old girl to school (within 2 blocks of residence). Must live close to Ocean Ave and Ave P (within 5-10 mins)in Brooklyn or within the same time frame if driving. (Private parking spot is available). The schedule as follows: Monday-Friday 515am-8am. (I leave at 515am, the child wakes up at 7am and needs to be in school 8 am)

If interested inquire via text:

Thank you

Additional work ($200/week,cash)

I am looking for a girl/woman 20-55 years old to prepare and take a 5-year-old girl to school (in the same block). Must live near Ocean Ave and Ave P (within 5-10 minutes); (private parking available). The working hours are as follows: Monday-Friday from 5:15 to 8 am. (I leave for work at 5:15, the child wakes up at 7, should be at school at 8)

Write by phone 917-960-0065

Thank you


Home attendant / HHA / PCA

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