Bambi Day Care Centers
Bambi Day Care Centers
1981 Homecrest Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11229.
Tel: (718) 645-7010 • Fax (718) 627-5192
Bambi Day Care Center participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and serves nutritious meals each operating day. The information requested on the attached income Eligibility Form for Child Care Center determines how much reimbursement this center will receive for these meals and snacks, based on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) family income criteria listed below.
INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES (Effective July 1, 2024 until June 30, 2025)
Using the Income Eligibility Guidelines — The income eligibility guidelines are used to categorize the household income reported on the income eligibility form into the free, reduced or paid category. For example, if the monthly income for a family of two is $2,215 or less, the center would be eligible for reimbursement at the Free rate. If the household income for a family of two is between $2,215 and $3,152 per month, the center would be eligible for reimbursement at the Reduced rate. If the household income for a family of two is $3,152 or more per month, the center would be eligible for reimbursement at the Paid rate.
Definition of Income - Income means income before any deductions such as income taxes, Social Security taxes, insurance premiums, charitable contributions and bonds. It includes the following: (1) monetary compensation for services, including wages, salary, commissions or fees; (2) net income from nonfarm self-employment; (3) net income from farm self-employment; (4) Social Security; (5) dividends or interest on savings or bonds or income from estates or trusts; (6) net rental income; (7) public assistance or welfare payments; (8) unemployment compensation; (9) government civilian employee or military retirement, or pensions or veterans payments; (10) private pensions or annuities; (11) alimony or child support payments; (12) regular contributions from persons not living in the household; (13) net royalties; and (14) other cash income.
Definition of Household - Household means family as defined in Section 226.2. Family means, in the case of children, a group of related or nonrelated individuals, who are not residents of an institution or boarding house, but who are living as one economic unit or, in the case of adult participants, the adult participant, and if residing with the adult participant, the spouse and dependent(s) of the adult participant.