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Medicine, pharmacies, fitness

Kings Hwy, licensed dentist, working in a dental office. (718) 951-2261

Date Added: 12/04/2024 | Last Updated: 12/05/2024 | Page Views: 23
Average rating: 0.00 (out of 5)
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Medicine, pharmacies, fitness

Female, English speaking, front desk person, medical office work, part-time. (718) 495-8801

To a medical office in Brooklyn

To a medical office in Brooklyn
girl needed
on Front desk, F/t, Rus/English,
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Pharmacy is looking for a permanent employee

To the pharmacy for a permanent job
with the right to work, able to work on a computer, minimum English required
The applicant must be friendly,
energetic, able to work in a team
[email protected] or (917) 833-9616


Full-time/part-time experienced Dental Biller needed.

Full-time/part-time required
experienced Dental Biller.
Salary by agreement.

For all questions please call
(347) 341-2334
Send your resume to
[email protected]