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New York Governor's Office of Storm Recovery

New York Governor's Office of Storm Recovery

State of New York Action Plan Amendment (APA) No. 32 for the Disaster Recovery Grants Program Action Plan
Disaster Recovery - Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program
Per Federal Register Notice FR-5696-N-11

As the Governor's Office of Hurricane Relief makes changes to storm recovery and resiliency projects that are in the planning or implementation phase, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is requiring a major Amendment to the Action Plan (APA). This amendment documents updates and publishes them for public information and input. This notice relates to the 32nd such amendment to the state's original action plan approved by HUD on April 25, 2013.
APA 32 addresses the following points.
A. Proposed Allocation of Funds: Table and Links to Funding Amounts
updated to reflect the reallocation of funds between programs.
B. Closing State Small Business Flood Insurance Program
New York: Updates reflecting the state's decision not to use the program
small business flood insurance.
C. Design project for the restoration of living breakwaters: updates,
reflecting the reallocation of funds made in accordance with this
amendment to the Action Plan, and an updated project timeline.
We are waiting for public comments on APA 32 from 5:00 pm September 30, 2022 to 5:00 pm
APA 32 will be available in English, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese on October 30, 2022 at the State website: , at: [email protected] .gov or call 1-855-NYS-SANDY (855-697-7263) anyone can get copies free of charge. In addition, the Action Plan and previous amendments are available on the State website at the link above.
Submission of public comments on APA 32
Comments on APA 32 may be submitted electronically via the website by clicking on the link under the heading "Submit Public Comment on APA 32", by email: info or by writing to the Governor's Office of Hurricane Relief, ATTN: Public Comments, 60 Broad Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004, or by TTY at 212-480-6062.
The APA 32 public comment period will end on October 30, 2022 at 5 pm. Comments received after 5 pm October 30, 2022 will not be considered.
For more information about New York State's storm recovery efforts and to download a copy of the State Action Plan, applicable amendments, or APA 32, go to .

Date Added: 09/30/2022 | Last Updated: 09/30/2022 | Page Views: 94
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