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Odessans never cry and never lose courage, even in coronavirus times

There is a wonderful organization in New York - the Odessa community. This organization has rallied people who are seized by “one, but fiery passion” - love for Odessa, the city in which they were born, which is always in their hearts and which turned all their “children” into brothers (President Igor Kazatsker, Vice-Presidents Leonid Nor and Natalia Neyzhmakova). "My city was created from the sun and dust, tailwinds and waves that washed, where they celebrated holidays and common troubles, everyone got along there and it was not crowded, but the main thing is the Sea! Odessa Sea, beloved sea. We have one nation: we are Odessa residents! And in Odessa - the same winds, all the same comfort, and fireworks are spewing splashes ... "

April 10, to the Day of the Liberation of Odessa from Nazi invaders, was timed to the awarding of participants in the Third New York Festival of Children's Art "ZVEZDOCHKI" them. VADIM MULERMANA.
It turns out that during the coronavirus, the community, namely, the board decided to hold an international, yes, an international festival of children's talents. And thanks to computer technology, an amazing film was created that can be watched, , in which talented children took part: pianists, violinists, guitarists, clarinetists, trumpet singers, dancers not only from New York, but and from Ukraine (from Kharkov) and Holland !!!
Why is the competition named after Vadim Mulerman? It turns out that even during the life of Vadim Mulerman, who is considered an Odessa citizen by his dad (!!!), the community became friends with him and his family, and a warm relationship began. Mulerman was not only a singer, he created a children's musical theater in Kharkov, and, having arrived in America, organized a children's theater in Miami. In memory of him and thanks to his advice given more than 3 years ago, the third festival was held, and this has become a tradition. His daughter Emilia Litvinova-Mulerman, who is 17 years old, traditionally opens the festival. Apparently, as for her dad, music will be her whole life.
The participants of the festival, of course, were greatly helped by the teacher-consultants: Tatiana Disiena (Martsinkovskaya), soloist of the Mosconcert, Ernst Steinberg, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Odessa Conservatory. The excellent level of Aron Tyutyunik's performance is the result of many years of work with him both Alexandra Toan and Dina Brener - a wonderful teacher who pays great attention not only to the musical training of her students, but also to the staging of musical shows with their participation. The performance of the Kundin sisters, also students of Dina Brener, is another vivid illustration of this approach to the presentation of the musical achievements of young talents and, in addition, to the development of family creativity.
But back to the awarding of the participants. It was an amazing show. The extraordinary showman Igor Kazatsker, the host of the holiday, sang, but so that he was applauded, danced and sang along with all those present. And how the talented children of the participants of this extraordinary concert were greeted with applause !!! And what were the costumes! And what happy parents were !!! It is worth noting that the gifted artists brother and sister David and Rebecca Gladkovitzer came, who painted the pictures: "Spring Odessa". The Odessa community considers these drawings as an application for the next festival. Among the guests were New York City Council candidates Stephen Saperstein and Ari Kagan, who have always supported the activities of the community. Those present honored the memory of Vadim Mulerman and Valery Savinkin with a minute of silence.
So, the virtual concert and the rewarding of the participants took place, despite the pouring rain and the ongoing quarantine. Many thanks to the presidents of the Odessa community of New York Igor Kazatsker, vice-president Leonid Nora and Natalia Neyzhmakova. This is a truly unique trio of Odessa citizens. Bravo!!!
All present participants received honorary stars, certificates and gifts, while not forgetting the journalists. These are they, our citizens of Odessa, who “are not afraid of either grief or misfortune,” and who “do not cry and never lose courage,” as L.O. Utesov sang.
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 04/15/2021 | Last Updated: 04/15/2021 | Page Views: 185
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