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The key to success

In New York there is a wonderful community of Mountain Jews who help, grieve and rejoice together, carefully preserving the history of their people. About eight years ago, Columbia University hosted a conference on the endangered language of Mountain Jews - Juuri! Linguists were invited, and guests from Azerbaijan arrived.
And now, when anti-Semitism is growing in New York, the day after the end of Passover, Ilona Chaya Krasinskaya once again organized a grand event “Shlissel Hala” in the Metropolitan Ballroom.
This became possible thanks to the owner of the restaurant Rufat Yusufov, his wife Ophelia Ilishaeva and wonderful sponsors, including the famous lawyer Eva Rakhamimova, doctor Rafael Abramov with his wife Inna, Olga Yusufova and other worthy people. “Projects of this magnitude require a lot of effort and financial support, but I am especially pleased that this project brought together women in our community and they gladly offered their help.” These projects help unite our women and our people. In unity we find our strength, as the saying goes: “When we are united, we are invincible.” May the hand of the giver never fail!
That evening there was a special, unique spiritual atmosphere, because it is no secret that if mother or loved ones do not talk about traditions, then hope lies in such wonderful people as Ilana-Khaya Krasinskaya and Rabanit Neli Yadayeva from Israel.
Ilana Khaya Krasinskaya is the organizer of many events - women's evenings, holidays, youth educational programs, dating evenings. Ilana Khaya took over this baton with dignity from her sister Camilla Sarah (blessed is her memory), who instilled in her a love of spreading spiritual values. She combines all this with raising wonderful sons. She is actively supported by her husband and all the women in the community.
Speaking about Eva Rakhamimova, her husband and mother Bella Rakhamimova, it is necessary to note their contribution to the life of the community. Many events taking place in New York took place thanks to their support and generosity, moreover, many events took place thanks to the help of Eva Rakhamimova, and many without her support would never have taken place at all. It is not surprising that Eva Rakhamimova was awarded many certificates and letters of gratitude for her contribution to the development of society.
Behind all this activity and recognition is the care she provides to clients in the law office. Eva is not just a lawyer, she is a true ally and protector, ready to help in difficult and vital situations. Her ability to understand other people's problems makes every conversation with her a true relief and support. Her clients not only value her professionalism, but also see her as a reliable friend and ally on the path to justice and success.
The unforgettable evening was dedicated not only to preserving traditions, but also to learning how to get out of difficult life situations and how to correctly understand certain moments. And, lo and behold... Rabanit Neli Yadayeva gave her blessing and found the opportunity to hear everyone personally. One of her recommendations: wish each other well, forgive insults. For every offense, God closes the channel for earning money. In life, everything depends on each other: “I can’t warm everyone up, but I can give a warm word.” Thoughts and speech are two things on which the world is built. Everything that comes from the mouth will rise and be the key that changes life for the better. The key is wisdom, which only a woman has and is called the sixth sense. It was interesting to hear advice from wise women, for example, how to knead the dough correctly, as well as about all the components for Challah. For example, water is a symbol of life and a symbol of the Torah, which we received from the Almighty with the main commandment for all ages. By studying Torah, we fill our world with joy. The hands of a woman who kneads the dough receive spiritual strength. We knead the dough with both hands. The numerical value of the word “hand” is 14, two hands are 28. And the value of the word “strength” is also 28.
Candles were lit. Inna Abramova announced that that evening she and Ilana Khaya decided to organize a program for needy brides. This evening united daughters, mothers and grandmothers into a single family with the goal of loving one’s neighbor and the Almighty. "Am Yisrael Chai" which means "People of Israel, live" and let the soldiers of Israel return home.
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 05/10/2024 | Last Updated: 05/10/2024 | Page Views: 9
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