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Exhibition at Sable Gallery

Recently there was an exhibition curated by Inessa Sablé, a native of Odessa who has lived in New York for many years, an art critic with an open, kind heart. Since childhood, Inessa absorbed the love of art, which was instilled in her by her parents, Alex and Svetlana Stuk. She was educated in the field of design, although she works in a different specialty, and devoted her life to popularizing art and supporting talented artists, many of whom were natives of Ukraine.
The exhibition, which took place on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot Day - the Giving of the Torah, featured portraits of rabbis and objects of Jewish life, made by professional artists at the museum level. A special place is occupied by works that radiate positive energy and faith in the future. Among them is a portrait of a Jewish violinist, a war veteran who was awarded orders and medals, as well as images of rabbis and other significant figures in Jewish culture.
The exhibition also shows unforgettable objects of Jewish life: challah, antique kitchen utensils and other artifacts that immerse viewers in memories of childhood and family traditions. These works evoke smells and tastes familiar to anyone who remembers their mother or grandmother's home cooking - chicken broth, gefilte fish and other dishes.
And although Inessa’s art gallery was opened a year ago, all exhibitions are unforgettable and introduce you to beauty. This event was attended by the vice-president of the Guild of Jewish Artists and Masters of Applied Arts Nina Tsypina, who opened the way for many artists to exhibitions where they can show their creativity, and this is very important, as well as pediatrician Lyudmila Sverkunova, known for her kindness and subtle artistic taste and creative nature. The presence of many famous people from our community underscores the significance of the exhibition and the recognition received in artistic circles.
The exhibition at Sable Gallery does more than just showcase artwork—it promotes the preservation of Jewish cultural heritage, strengthens the connection to tradition, and reminds us of the importance of tolerance and respect for the diversity we see in the United States. Time spent at the exhibition leaves a lasting impression, leaving viewers with a sense of pride in their culture and inspiration for future generations.
At a time when anti-Semitism is once again becoming visible, such events play a key role in the fight against prejudice and hatred, promoting cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 06/13/2024 | Last Updated: 06/13/2024 | Page Views: 36
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