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I want to leave a review about Vara. She really helped me a lot, she brought back my wife and our old feelings. My wife left me for another man, saying that she loved him. I asked her to stay, but she didn’t agree. She put me on a black list, and I blocked her everywhere on social networks. But I wasn’t going to stop. I found Varya on the Internet, of course I was afraid that I would be deceived, but I had no other choice. And I was really lucky that I called Varya. Three days later my wife told me I called and we met. Now we are together! Our relationship is great! And all thanks to Varya! I advise, she actually has a gift +380632574828 (Whats app/Viber)

Date Added: 02/25/2024 | Last Updated: 02/25/2024 | Page Views: 21
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Досвіду звернення до ворожок чи магів у мене особливо не було. Коли життя змусило, то шукала допомогу методом проб і помилок. Але мені пощастило і я знайшла Захара. Завжди буду йому вдячна, оскільки після шести місяців мук та страждань здавалося ніщо вже не допоможе... Проблема в мене була та, яка зустрічається у багатьох – чоловік пішов із сім'ї, а ось рішення він підібрав індивідуальне. Коли я вперше звернулася до нього, то була шокована тому, наскільки детально він бачить ситуацію, коли робить діагностику! Говорить все сам без зайвого з важливими деталями та іменами. Ми знову з чоловіком разом, виховуємо двох своїх чарівних дітлахів, а про те, що сталося, вже забули. А розлучниця наша так одна і сидить лікті кусає. Так, і у справах. І мужика чужого не втримала, і подругу втратила, хоч я їй уже зла не бажаю, хай у всіх все буде добре! Від щирого серця раджу Захара +380954248510 можна писати на вайбер і ватсап


My story is like this. There were problems with the young man. He began to constantly hang out with friends, very rarely appeared at home, and in the end he finally packed up and went to live with his mother, explaining that he was tired of our relationship. Thank God I found Andrey! To be honest, I was amazed. During the first conversation, we discussed the problem, he clearly told me what happened to me, what caused it, we decided on what could be done and in what order, and I asked for help. During the work, the results were not long in coming. My beloved began to get in touch, apologized, returned home, the relationship improved and he proposed to me. Now I'm married and happily married. I will always be grateful to Andrey! His phone number is +380932169225 You can write to Viber or WhatsApp

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My situation was extremely difficult for me. Despite the fact that I am an accomplished, wealthy woman and never had to complain about life, at one point I was left without my beloved - he left for someone else. Sharply, without explanation. I tried to ask questions, somehow establish communication, I was humiliated, asked him to come back or explain the reason - to no avail. He blacklisted me everywhere and blocked me on social networks. For me, my world collapsed and I didn’t even know how to breathe. I could neither sleep, nor eat, nor conduct business. Alexander helped me. He clarified what was going on and was able to clearly carry out the necessary work. Thanks to this, my beloved returned to me and became extremely courteous and caring as never before. Alexander's number +380971792179 Viber/Whatsapp