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Lighting of Hanukkah candles at the residence of Mayor Eric Adams

New York Mayor Eric Adams treats the Jewish community of New York with respect and attention, understanding how much the community members contribute to the economy, culture and education of the city.
As in previous years, the Minor was lit at the mayor's residence.
Present: Police Commissioner Edward Caban, Commissioner Jessica Tisch, Deputy Mayor Fabien Levy, Commissioner Fred Kreizman, Commissioner Edward Mermelstein, Pastor Gilford Monros, Senior Advisor Andrea Shapiro Davis, Deputy Chief of Staff Menashe Shapiro, and Chief Counsel to the Mayor Lisa Zornberg.
As a representative of the R.Advertising media holding, I am always pleased to see representatives of the Russian-speaking community of New York at events held at the mayor’s residence: famous lawyers Yuri Yaroslavsky, Dmitry Levitsky, Eva Rakhaimova, politicians and businessmen, as well as the President of the Elita Club Leonora Bulychev, representative of the Office of the Auditor Igor Galanter and others.
It’s great that the New York City Hall also employs Russian-speaking employees.
Also among the guests were family members of Israelis held hostage by Hamas since October 7. Those present held posters depicting their loved ones who have been in captivity for more than two months. Members of the City Council standing on the stage also held posters with photographs of the hostages.
“These posters are not just photographs, they are human lives, and we are all waiting with bated breath until they are returned to their family members and loved ones who are here,” Adams said, thanking the families of the hostages for their courage. "Hanukkah tells the story of how light shines in darkness. This wonderful lesson is very important and must be remembered as hate rears its ugly head around the world today. But there is no place for hate in New York, and celebrating Hanukkah shows that no matter who you are, this is where you have equal rights,” the mayor said.
"I want to be very clear to you as the mayor of the city of New York. There is no place for anti-Semitism in New York, and there is no place for hate in New York," Adams said to applause from the packed room.
Adams condemned the rise of anti-Semitism around the world, and in New York after the October 7 attack, he also made clear that Hamas "must be destroyed."
Honorable mentions were given to lawyer and television personality Ebony Williams and Dr. Michael Lomax, president and CEO of the United Negro College Fund.
Ebony Williams, a supporter of the Jewish community, opposes anti-Semitism and hatred and promotes unity among blacks and Jews, because. both communities understand not in words, but in reality, what racism and anti-Semitism are...
Dr. Michael Lomax, President and CEO of the United Negro College Fund, said, “I am grateful to receive this award, and I know my parents would be proud because they instilled in me the values that underpin a strong belief in that blacks and Jews are allies, brothers and sisters in the battle against the twin evils of anti-Semitism and racism."
“The work of Dr. Lomax and Ms. Williams reminds us that we are a city filled with people from every corner of the globe. And no matter our differences, our communities will always come together to help and protect our fellow New Yorkers. It is my pleasure to present the Shine A Light Civil Courage Award to Dr. Michael Lomax and Ebony Williams,” said Eric Adams.
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 12/21/2023 | Last Updated: 12/25/2023 | Page Views: 72
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