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I think my story will be useful. I’ll tell you about a case when predictions played an important role for me in my life. Until I was twenty-six, I didn’t get along well with men. Either he comes across a gigolo, or he is rude, or he is always depressing... I almost despaired and was puzzled by the fact that my relationship was not working out. I couldn’t understand because I’m not needy, with an education, a good job and external appearance, I’m not offended. I turned to fortune tellers, but heard different stories about the evil eye and the crown of celibacy. I was really thinking about it, but I managed to make an appointment with the magician Andrey. I complained about my bad luck with men and he offered to conduct a detailed diagnosis. In the end, he said that in about a month I would break up with the young man I was dating at that time, but I shouldn’t give up and be discouraged. I explained that in literally three months I would meet another man with whom I would have a long relationship, marriage and children. I left him with mixed feelings and continued to live my life. Fortunately for me, everything happened exactly as he said!!!) Now I am married, loved and expecting a second child! There is no one happier in the world than me! Thank you Andrey for being able to consider my situation on its merits and assuring me that I shouldn’t worry. I want to share his number with you, he is a good, sympathetic person. Even talking to him makes it easier. And it seems to me that he is a person with a real gift and helps people by calling. His phone number is +380932169225.

Date Added: 03/06/2024 | Last Updated: 03/06/2024 | Page Views: 17
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Ніколи не думала, що буду змушена звернутися до фахівця з магії. Але коли, покинувши чоловік і в моїй житті почалася чорна смуга, зі здоров'ям стали проблеми у мене та у дітей. Не знала, що робити, як бути! І я вирішувала скористатися порадою подруги, яка мені порадила звернутися до ворожки. Відразу живила знайомих, а потім сіла шукати в інтернеті. І знайшла відгук у якого дякували Варі, а ситуація у жінки була майже така, як у мене. Я одразу їй набрала. Від діагностики я була шокована... ВОНА ТАКІ РЕЧІ МЕНІ РОЗПОВІДАЛА ЩО ЗНАЛА ЛИШЕ Я. Варя працювала зі мною тиждень і мені все краще і краще було. Я стала спокійною, діти перестали хворіти. Все почалося налагоджуватися. Чоловік почав дзвонити, а потім взагалі переїхав до нас. Варя повернула дітям батька, а мені коханого чоловіка. Ми тепер здорова і щаслива сім'я, дякую їй величезне я дуже їй вдячна вісь її контакти +380632574828


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I have seen good reviews about Zakhara more than once. I didn’t dare to apply, but then I realized that it was in vain. Here is how it was. In general, I turned to many fortune tellers when my first husband, with whom I had lived for more than one year, left - I just spent a lot, but to no avail. I have come to terms with it. Time passed and I met a very good man, with whom we lived together for a long time. What can I say, he even treated my son like his own. But, as in the case of the first husband, the beloved suddenly left. I fell into despair, but it’s good that I found Zakhar, although I no longer hoped for anything. He really helped me. Despite the fact that he can be very strict and often speaks only to the point, he returned my beloved to me. I did everything I needed to do. Now my beloved and I have already married and I have given birth to his daughter. I sometimes turn to Zakhar to this day. Here is his number +380954248510 viber/whatsapp

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