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I finally decided to turn to higher powers and turned to Varechka. To be honest, I'm still impressed. She said a lot about my Husband and essentially everything, described everything, named names. My husband and I have not been getting along lately, he avoided me, stayed late at work, etc. We found solutions and the situation began to improve before our eyes. Everything Varechka said was exactly what happened. In short, girls, I was satisfied. I really liked that Varechka treats all problems with understanding and while you are walking around with her answers, she calls and is interested in everything that is happening. She is sincere in a word. Everything has worked out with my husband, even better than it was! I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a professional clairvoyant fortune teller! You will find out everything you want and get advice. Who needs contacts +380632574828 (call on Viber/Whatsapp)


There was a turning point in my life when I couldn’t find a way out and I turned to Lily. I want to share my story for those people who are in a situation like mine. I had a strong family and at one point everything collapsed. My husband left for to his mistress, but he didn’t even think about us. I immediately decided that I would get him back by any means. I turned to Lilichka. I’ll be honest, when you talk to her, it just brings you to tears with its directness and the fact that it sees your past in detail. She explained everything what interested me. After Lily’s work, my husband returned home! My husband is now with us and we have a strong family, just like before! Who needs help, write, call, I give her phone number +380638055486 (call only on Viber, WhatsApp, she always answers)


NJAC 16:83 - Rules of Conduct and Enforcement
public safety when using
NJ TRANSIT equipment and vehicles


Help restore the Transfiguration Cathedral

Help restore
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Odessa
Metropolitan Agafangel Charitable Foundation
Phone number for communication in Ukraine
+38(067) 702-6888


Advertising of any nature

I will place any advertisement on the news

Selling Aquarium

For sale fish aquarium Volume 35 gallons, lighting, filter, heating, air compressor, Ground, some decorations as well. T. 347-761-1087 Mila.


I also want to write to you about my case, it was half a year ago. My husband left me and went to a young woman. I couldn’t find a place for myself. I found and turned to Katalina. Just like many, I found her through reviews. Having called in advance So, I made an appointment. I was very surprised by Catalina, she spoke very well about me and my life, I got the impression that this person knew everything about me! What happened next was even more interesting, she said that there was an option, either we take a risk and he comes back or we leave everything as it is. I agreed. Catalina said that the result will be within 7 days. I believed vaguely, but I hoped. She described to me everything that would happen this week, it’s not probable, but it’s a FACT. IT HAPPENED!!! Now, more than half a year later, I don’t believe that all this happened to me. At night I look at my precious one and wonder what I was ready for for him. And he snorts next to me so sweetly. Thank you Katalinochka for my happiness!!! I’ll leave her number +380997482235 (there is Viber/Whatsapp, very convenient remotely)


I can recommend Varechka, she was able to help me when it seemed that everything was set against me, continuous failures, like a series of bad luck. My husband left me for another woman. My life turned into a black streak... I found Varechka on the Internet. She determined that all this was happening to me, in connection with the negativity that I carry with me from the past. Regarding my husband, she told me not to worry, she would help me get him back. I am very grateful to her that she helped me and instilled in me gave me hope. As Varechka said, everything began to improve for me after a week, my husband returned after 10 days. My life was turning from a dark streak to a white one. Now I am very happy, everything is fine with me. And all thanks to Varechka and her rituals. Miracles on There is a world, I believed it! I recommend Varechka!!! Her phone number is +380632574828 (receives on Viber/Whatsapp)


I would like to advise everyone and at the same time express my gratitude to Andrey. My story is like this. There were problems with the young man. He began to constantly hang out with friends, very rarely appeared at home, and in the end he finally packed up and went to live with his mother, explaining that he was tired of our relationship. He flatly refused to communicate. This came as a shock to me. But when I found out that he had someone else, I completely lost heart and thought that the situation could not be changed. And this despite the fact that everything went wrong with him in just a couple of months. I wanted to at least understand why? It was inexplicable. But I decided to fight. I turned to grandmothers and fortune tellers, but this did not give any obvious results. Thank God I found Andrey! To be honest, I was amazed. During the first conversation, we discussed the problem, he clearly told me what happened to me, what caused it, we decided on what could be done and in what order, and I asked for help. During the work, the results were not long in coming. My beloved began to get in touch, apologized, returned home, the relationship improved and he proposed to me. Now I'm married and happily married. I will always be grateful to Andrey! His phone number is +380932169225 You can write to Viber or WhatsApp


I am very grateful to Natalya, she returned my husband to me in a short time. He left us with the children and went to someone else. At first I couldn’t find a place for myself, and then I pulled myself together and started looking for a person who could help me. I searched on the Internet for a long time and found Natalya. During the diagnostics, Natalya told me everything about the cause of my troubles. She performed a ritual, told me through how long will it take for him to return. Within the specified time frame, my beloved returned! Thanks to Natalya, my husband returned home. We live as before, even better! We are happy!!! HER number +380 63 136 49 41 (telegram/viber/whatsapp)

fortune teller

+380638055486-LILY!!! She is clairvoyant and a very powerful magician. She does things that no one else can do. I recommend Lilichka because I turned to her more than once and she always helped me. The last time I turned to her was because in one moment my life completely turned upside down when my husband packed his things and left to his mistress. He didn’t think about the children, or about the years of their life together. I immediately called Lila. She made a plan for the situation. She told me what my problems were. Lilichka was able to bring my husband back, harmonize our relationship, remove the damage. I am very grateful to Lilichka and recommend HER to everyone. An excellent specialist. Call on Viber/Whatsapp, she always answers!

Ah, it's tango!

Ah, it's tango!
Interview with producer, writer, screenwriter Viktor Rashkovich (Dalsky) after the performance of the famous Argentine theater "Legends of Tango" in New York, after which the artists and producer were given a 20-minute ovation.


Rally in Washington

Rally in Washington
About 300 thousand concerned people arrived by bus and flew in from all over America to the rally in Washington. American and Israeli flags filled the National Mall.


Кришталевий голос

Кришталевий голос
Перший дитячий вокальний радіо конкурс
Від 8 до 18 років
Заявки приймаються до 15 січня 2024 року.


Help for military personnel

Help for military personnel
I never cease to admire the respected worthy people, many of whom survived the horrors of the Holocaust, members of the New York Association of Ghetto and Concentration Camp Prisoners, visitors to the Social Adult Day Care Center Maaser, in Brighton.



Дуже задоволена тим, як Ліличка працює +380638055486 Viber/Whats Аpp. Вона бачить крізь, це реально заворожує, ще допомогла мені повернути стосунки, які, здавалося б, приречені на провал. На діагностиці вона мені все розповіла і роз'яснила і ми почали з нею працювати. І саме вона допомогла нам врятувати наші стосунки, саме вона допомогла нам жити далі разом та щасливо. І тепер ми завжди звертаємося до Лілички, вона для нас Ангел Хранитель!


Я все-таки зважилася звернутися до вищих сил і звернулася до Варічки. Якщо чесно, я й досі під враженням. Дуже багато сказала про мого чоловіка і все по суті, все описала, назвала імена. У мене з чоловіком останнім часом не ладналося, уникав мене, затримувався на роботі і т.д. Все, що Варечка сказала - все так і сталося. Коротше, дівчатка, я лишилася задоволена. Дуже сподобалося, що Варечка ставиться з розумінням до всіх проблем і поки що ходиш з її відповідями – вона дзвонить та цікавиться всім, що відбувається. Душевна вона одним словом. З чоловіком у мене все налагодилося, навіть краще ніж було! Всім, хто шукає професійну ясновидючу ворожку однозначно рекомендую! Кому потрібні контакти +380632574828 (дзвоніть на вайбер/ватсап)


А я за відгуками звернулася до Захара. Він мені допоміг повернути коханого. Його мати все робила, щоб розлучити нас, до того ж, через магію. Будь-які підклади, які я знаходила вдома... Звернулась спочатку погадати, але була в шоці від того наскільки точно він бачить ситуацію, називає імена. Зважилася після цього одразу. Попросила Захара очистити будинок, потім почала працювати, щоб повернути коханого. Провели потрібні роботи. За кілька тижнів він стояв біля порога. Відносини стали кращими. А його матері зробили так, щоб рідко до нас приходила. Зараз звертаюся до Захара, якщо потрібно прояснити ту чи іншу ситуацію. Загалом величезне спасибі. Вайбер та Ватсап Захара +380954248510

Запалювання ханукальних свічок у резиденції Мера Еріка Адамса

Запалювання ханукальних свічок
у резиденції Мера Еріка Адамса

З повагою та увагою став мер Нью-Йорка Ерік Адамс до єврейської громади Нью-Йорка, розуміючи, наскільки великий внесок представники громади роблять економіку, культуру та освіту міста.


Світло переможе пітьму

Світло переможе пітьму
Під час Хануки євреї запалюють свічки. Це дні національного єврейського свята дива та порятунку. У Києві відбувся вечір на підтримку Ізраїлю, держави, яка веде війну з ХАМАС, та на знак солідарності з єврейською громадою України, яка бере велику участь та надає допомогу у боротьбі України проти російської агресії.

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