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Western Wall on Brighton Beach

Western Wall on Brighton Beach

On the eve of Hanukkah, we are expecting a miracle... Our thoughts are with everyone in Israel... We rejoice at the return of everyone...
On the eve of Hanukkah, we remember the Wailing Wall and a note asking the Almighty to send health, salvation, prosperity and other hidden things that a person will never say out loud. It's not just Jews who visit the Western Wall.
I continue to believe in miracles and... by virtue of our common prayer “Shema, Israel!!!”
This year, we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the synagogue at 4 Brighton, which officially opened in 1933. As you know, the Western Wall has been a symbol of faith and hope for many generations of Jews for many centuries, a place of pilgrimage and prayer. This is the greatest shrine of Judaism. The midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 11:2) says that the Shechina, the divine presence, never leaves the Wall. The earliest source linking Jews to the Wall dates from the 4th century.
Lo and behold, now anyone can come to Brighton, go to the synagogue on 4th Brighton and go to the Western Wall. Special thanks to legendary donor Hanan Ben Abraham for his pioneering efforts and generosity in renovating the synagogue, and to the contractor for this magnificent façade, the American Levin Group. A special committee headed by the talented Rabbi David Okunev played an important role in bringing the Western Wall to a wonderful synagogue in Brighton. Now you can pray, reflect on a life of gratitude to the Almighty, at the Western Wall in Brighton, where the facade of the wall of the synagogue at 4 Brighton - Chabad Oceanview Jewish Center of Brighton Beach is inlaid with imported natural Jerusalem stone, which is attached to the facade of the newly renovated synagogue. Inside the synagogue, renovations are being completed, but people come, pray and eat at the same table. People are always welcome here. This is a “prayer” synagogue, where from the first days of immigration Jews who came from the CIS countries came. The history of the Center was intertwined with the history of our country and the history of the world. During World War II, synagogue visitors fought in the ranks of the American Army against the Nazis. After the war, the Center accepted Holocaust survivors into its ranks. Later, members of the Center actively participated in the struggle for the freedom of Soviet Jews. And when refugees from the USSR settled on Brighton Beach, the Center welcomed them with open arms. The noble work of Rabbi Simpson is now continued by his successor Rabbi David (son of Rabbi Meir) Okunev and his wife Rebbetzin Yocheved and their children. May G-d bless them for their dedication and service to the community.
Even Hurricane Sandy spared the synagogue. During the pandemic, food was distributed here, and not only to Jews. Rabbi David Okunev was awarded the honorary diploma “Man of the Year of the 46th District.” Please note: Rabbi David Okunev prefers to stay out of politics! The Okunev family of religious leaders does a lot of good in Brighton, not only for the Jewish community, but for the community as a whole. Rabbi David Okunev, a descendant of a prominent family of rabbis, has served the South Brooklyn community since 2011. The Okunevs serve as emissaries of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem. M. Schneerson from the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Rabbi David Okunev is the spiritual leader of the Warbass Jewish Heritage Congregation. He conducts religious services for people from 8 days of birth to 120 years of age and dedicates his life to making the world a better place, a world of peace and harmony for all humanity, inspiring people to do good deeds.
Nowadays, Yakov and Chaya Lipovetsky and others are doing a great job for people visiting the synagogue, many thanks to all the good people who donate to good deeds. May the hand of the giver never fail!
The Jewish Center is proud to have served and continues to serve the Brighton Beach community for nearly a century. The center invites everyone to the weekly Shabbat service and on all Jewish holidays.
Be healthy! Together - we are force!
Marina Lagunova

Date Added: 12/04/2023 | Last Updated: 12/25/2023 | Page Views: 47
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Доброго ранку! Зверталася до багатьох за допомогою, стільки сил, розтрат і сліз! Душа моя не знала спокою. Проблема із донькою мені не давала спокою. Моя донька не могла знайти собі хлопця,їй 39, а вона одна.Були хлопці але не надовго. До багатьох я зверталася, але ніхто не зміг допомогти мені. Остання надія в мені не згасла, я звернулася до Варі, порадила моя знайома. Я одразу набрала її. Вона не тільки людина з магічними здібностями, а просто хороша людина! Все розповідає сама. Називає дати, імена, описує ситуації. Я в захваті від неї! Люди, мій порад вам: якщо у вас є проблеми, звертайтесь тільки до неї, не боячись нічого! Вона допоможе у будь-якій ситуації! Дякую їй від чистого материнського серця! У моєї доньки все добре, після того, як я зверталася до Варі. Через годину зустріла хлопця і зустрічаються вже півроку. Варечка, здоров'я вам та вашим близьким!! Вісь її телефон +380632574828 WhatsApp/Viber